Intentions for The New Year And How To Follow Through

Intentions for The New Year And How To Follow Through

3 minute read

Wearing three different sun and moon layering necklacesNow that we are in the beginning of 2021, everyone seems to be projecting their intentions for the New Year.  They are envisioning what want their lives to be like in 2021, how it will be different than the last year, and how it will be better. This is the time when people start making their New Year’s resolutions. 

I was reading that almost 50% of adults in the U.S. make New Year's resolutions, but less than 10% of those people actually keep them for more than a just few months!

That’s pretty astonishing. But when you think about it, it's not all that surprising. It's really easy to make a resolution, to simply decide that next year is going to be better. We've all said, “I’m going to start *insert your resolution here*" at one point or another. But did we actually follow through? 

It’s easy to decide, to dream, to put the idea out there, project good intentions in to the universe, if you will. But just setting the intention doesn’t make it happen. Saying that 2021 will be better won’t make it any better. 

But to take actionable steps to fulfill your resolution is a whole different thing. That’s the part I think most people are missing. You’ve made this intention, but have you made a plan, a schedule even, to actualize it? 

If your intention for next year is to “be more mindful” have you actually scheduled time to mediate every morning? Are you willing to wake up an hour early everyday to get your "you time" in? If your New Years goal is to define healthy boundaries, how are you going to hold yourself accountable to stick to them? Have you come up with your response the next time someone tries to overstep those boundaries? 


It is in the action that we actually live out our resolutions. The intention has to be there, of course. But intentions, goals, and dreams mean nothing until you take actionable steps to get there. 

What it all boils down to is balancing this feminine dreaming state with the action of the masculine. They are equally important but both energies are needed to balance each other out. If you’re all action without any mindfulness, intention, or sensing feeling, then you’ll be on a quick road to burnout my friend. If you’re all dreams and abstract ideas without any structure or planning you’ll stay stagnant and frustrated and be left wondering why nothing got accomplished. 

Don't let your hopes and wishes for the New Year just remain a dream. But don't double down into action mode without intention and intuition either.

Alchemy Collection was designed to be your daily reminder to keep your feminine and masculine in balance, to honor both sides of yourself, to cultivate a good relationship between the two energies so that you can rise to your fullest potential. Each piece below are symbols from the Alchemy Collection that have an equal balance between the crescent moon shape and the stylized sun ray, representing the sun and the moon which signifies masculine and feminine, thus, reminding you to balance both sides of yourself. 


Shop your reminders of balance below:

Alchemy Ring Set

Alchemy Ring Set


Alchemy Ring Set | Alchemy Collection The Alchemy Ring Set is a striking pair of stacking rings, with one featuring the sun, symbolizing masculine energy, and the other, the moon, representing feminine energy. This set embodies the core philosophy of the… Read More

Large Alchemy Pendant

Large Alchemy Pendant


Large Alchemy Pendant | Alchemy Collection  The Alchemy Pendant symbolizes the harmonious union of the sun and moon, representing the balance between masculine and feminine energies. In ancient cultures, the sun has long been viewed as a symbol of masculinity,… Read More

Small Alchemy Pendant

Small Alchemy Pendant


Small Alchemy Pendant | Alchemy Collection  The Alchemy Pendant symbolizes the harmonious union of the sun and moon, representing the balance between masculine and feminine energies. In ancient cultures, the sun has long been viewed as a symbol of masculinity,… Read More


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